National Wine Day ~ Brooklyn, and beyond…

May 25th is marked on my calendar as National Wine Day; something I heard about through the grape vine.

A carport entwined, on a street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

I have yet to understand how the day came into being; for now, I am passing on the memo. Here’s to supporting your local bars, wineries, restaurants, wine stores, and lounges ~ May 25th falls on a Friday, after all.

*Clink* and cheers to you. Enjoy the vino wherever you are in the world. I am pretty sure the initiative isn’t country-specific (!) so let’s all round off the global workweek well.

A friend of mine, Amy Karavlan, noted, “Everyday should be Wine Day.” I pass on these wise words as you see in the weekend.

In days past: Ray’s and Stark Bar, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California