John Lennon Inspired ~ Central Park, NYC

The more I see, the less I know for sure. ~ John Lennon

This weekend, I visited Strawberry Fields. Planted by Yoko Ono in memory of John Lennon, the space is a tourist draw during summer especially. Despite the camera yielding crowds, there’s a sense of calm, stillness, and contemplation around the Imagine mosaic dedication.

I haven’t experienced anything that comes close to the tragedy that befell Colorado, but along with so many others, I felt its shocking reverberations. My heart goes out to all those affected.

An open heart emits the energy that revitalises the violent, negative energy that is circling the planet. ~ Panditji

Dakota Apartments details.

This is where John Lennon and Yoko Ono lived together, until December 8, 1980.

The Dakota was designed by Henry Hardenbergh, who also designed the Plaza Hotel.

Located at the 72nd Street subway, The Dakota is located across the road from Central Park.

Imagine all of us living in peace, it’s too beautiful to just be a dream. ~John Lennon

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination. ~John Lennon